Occupational Road Risk
Health & Safety at Work Act requires employers and the self-employed to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health, safety and welfare of all employees, at all times. Employers also have a responsibility to ensure that others are not put at risk by the work activities of their employees.
This bespoke service is directed at assisting organisations to assess occupational road risk for “all” of their drivers; be it driving in company vehicles or in private vehicle for company use (Grey Fleet Users). We can assess in any roadworthy vehicle, from cars through to articulated LGV’s.
- Is your “Brand” / “Corporate Image” as displayed on the side of your vehicles being portrayed in a positive manner by your driver’s actions?
- Would you get in a Taxi if it was driven erratically?
- Are your company representatives driving safely & within the current laws?
- When was the last time your organisation checked your driver’s driving licence entitlements, have they received penalty points & how will this affect your company insurance policies? Have you checked? If not why not?
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Driver Educational Services
OL10 4SE
Tel: 07711 467007
Slider images by Naypong, Toaty, Ponsulak and Stuart Miles of Freedigitalphontos.net