Post Collision Aftercare
An important factor in reducing road risk costs is the investigation and understanding of Road Traffic Collisions (RTC’s), both by drivers and as the employer.
At driver-ed, when deemed appropriate, we can interview your drivers shortly after an incident to establish the circumstances of the incident and whether there was anything that either the driver or the company could have done to avoid or reduce the effect of the incident. This enables both parties to agree on future actions that may help reduce the likelihood of the same type of incident happening again. This type of intervention we assist to achieve the following topics:
- Ensuring that drivers are aware of company concerns
- Enabling drivers to reflect on a learning curve, improve their on-road skills and confidence
- Enabling Line Managers to be aware of accident causes
Bruce has both presented active workshops and practical in car training to all our driver on driver safety. Bruce provided valuable insights into the way all drivers sometimes are not fully aware of what they are doing or things going on around them. His in car training made all our drivers more aware of how to proactively drive in a safer and more fuel efficient way. A number of our car drivers have said that this training provided was invaluable in their day to day driving. Furthermore our accident rate has fallen by 36% during the period of Bruce’s involvement which has helped control our car insurance premiums. Bruce Wood has been invaluable in making driver safety an integral part of our company.
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Driver Educational Services
OL10 4SE
Tel: 07711 467007
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